i may have an unhealthy obsession with wedding stuff. the bf and i have been together more than 5 years now, so i guess it's a topic that's been on my mind (not to mention a topic that's brought up by parents/family/friends/random colleagues on at least a weekly basis).
so it should come as no surprise that i'm imagining what the big day will look like. i have several friends who are in various stages of planning their own weddings, and i admit that i'm really excited for the time when i can begin to think about ours.
so, without further adieu, here are some of my recent wedding inspirations:

wedding dress of a friend of a cousin. they're best friends so i can't duplicate this, but it's a freakin' dream. i
love the romantic, flowy feel of it. i may add very delicate spaghetti straps, but so far, this is the most magnificent dress i've ever seen.

how incredible would this dress be for bridesmaids? the flowy fabric refrences the dress above, and the soft cotton candy colour adds an element of spring romance that is like something out of a french film.

i really like kate winslet's makeup here. romantic, just a
touch of drama in the eyes, but not overpowering.
i am a brunette with very likely a totally different hair type than smg's, but this style is gorgeous. bohemian and a little romantic. perfect.